If you are a user of one of Stock Market paid apps which were deprecated - you are eligible to receive the ad-free bonus free of charge to any of your iOS devices. In order to do that please do the following:

- Install the new replacement app (https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1265086241?mt=8) on your new iPhone / iPad / iPod,
- In it, go to in-app Settings > Help Center > Contact Us,
- Write message on behalf of your (same) name and email address, with a brief note like "I am a user of your previous app",
- Please also attach a copy of your Client ID code displayed in the bottom of our Settings screen: when located in the app on your new iPhone, open Settings and scroll down until you see the Client ID (see this image https://www.screencast.com/t/kTKExB23CYFO for reference), then tap on it in order to copy it to the pasteboard. After you send us this code we'll do everything else.